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We’re barking mad about the health and happiness of our doggies. That’s why we created this delicious peanut butter for dogs.

Peamutt Butter for pooches

Peamutt Butter is a favourite treat of many canines. Not only is it a good source of protein, but it also contains heart-healthy fats, Vitamin B, Niacin and Vitamin E.

Peamutt Balls for doggo's

Peamutt Balls for on-the-go, in-the-park, on-the-beach, in-the-car, or on-the-street, when the doggy did good, there’s always time for a treat. This extra-nutty, extra-mutty treat is made from dog-friendly peanut butter with added peanuts, then mixed with apple and strawberry puree and rolled in even more peanuts for good luck. Made with 100% palm oil free, means what’s good for your dog is good for the environment.

Coming soon

We’ve got something exciting on it’s way!